“Access for Africa” on the LCO global telescope network – Information Workshop

As a partner in the Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO) global telescope network, the University of St Andrews would like to offer some of its share of (1m) observing time to the African astronomy community (free of charge) as part of an “Access for Africa” program.

LCO is a unique globally distributed network of robotically controlled telescopes, which operates around the clock as a single integrated observatory, specifically enabling quasi-continuous observations and research in time-domain astronomy.

We will be holding an online information workshop on Wednesday, 4 September 2024 at 17:00

 CAT in order to provide an introduction to the key technical specifications of telescopes and instruments, the principles of dynamic scheduling and robotic operations, and the observing portal used to request observations and retrieve data.

This workshop will be followed up by a survey on what kind of accompanying support or training activities would be desired to enable users to design and carry out observing campaigns, and how the African astronomy community would imagine using the facility. The acquired information will be used to shape the focus of our further engagement.

We appreciate participation in the workshop from astronomers at any career stage.

Topic: Assess for Africa- LCO Workshop
Time: Sep 4, 2024 05:00 PM Africa/Maputo

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