MEDIA STATEMENT: Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation (South Africa) DATE: 18 November 2022 Astronomy community mourns the passing…
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Passing of Prof. Carolina Ödman
Dear Colleagues, It is with sad hearts that we learn of the passing of our dear colleague, friend and astronomer,…
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Latest Newsletter Now available: September 2022
Dear Colleagues, Here is the latest issue of the African Astronomical Society (AfAS) Newsletter. See the newsletter at: Covered in this issue: AfAS-2022: Second Annual Conference of the African…
Continue ReadingMEARIN VI: Sixth Middle-East and African Regional IAU Meeting
Continue ReadingAstronomy in Africa Scholarships
The National Organising Committee of the IAU General Assembly 2024 will be funding two Masters degree scholarships in astronomy for…
Continue ReadingAfAS-2022 Seed Research Grant Laureates
The African Astronomical Society (AfAS) is pleased to announce the outcome of the 2022 Seed Research Grant. Launched in 2021…
Continue ReadingAfrica Day Message 2022: Commitment to the Africa we want
Africans across the world celebrate Africa Day on this day, 25 May, which marks the founding of the Organisation of…
Continue ReadingPost-doc position in Brazil
The Artificial Intelligence, Signal Processing & Astrophysics group at the Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF – Rio de Janeiro/Brazil)…
Please note that ASPIRE (Astrophysics Summer Program for International Research Experience) applications for master’s students are open. The programme caters…
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